The Pointe-Claire Record Newspaper

The Pointe-Claire Citizens’ Association (PCCA) is thrilled to bring you the rebirth of the Pointe-Claire Record newspaper. 100 years ago this year, the Pointe-Claire Record was launched locally. The original printed publication was news of Beaconsfield, Pointe-Claire, Lakeside and Valois. We are bringing it back as an online newspaper, exclusively serving the great city of Pointe-Claire.

Our aim with the PC Record is to serve as a means of bringing us all closer together. The more everyone knows about what is happening in our great city, the more they will participate in and take advantage of the many sports, leisure, recreational and charitable associations. We also want to promote local businesses both big and small.

The new PC Record, just as the PCCA, will be non biased and will provide factual stories to the best of our abilities. We are also reaching out to you for content. Do you have a story to tell, an event coming up or pool registration? The PC Record will also feature opinion pieces, although there will be strict rules for such content.

So spread the word, the more readers engage, the more our community will come together. 

On behalf of the PCCA PC Record Team, welcome aboard.

Barry Christensen President

Jonathan Csakany Vice-President

Caroline Speirs Communications

PC Record Contacts

General Questions and Info

Get involved, submit an article or feedback on past articles

Nous encourageons la contribution des articles en français également ! 

PC Record Past Issues